Lately I've been working on the Wonderful Wallaby. It's a sweater pattern by Cottage Creations with sizes ranging from 2 to adult xxl? I'm making one for my son and then I plan on making one for myself! I'm doing a mini knitalong with a knitter that lives fairly close by whom I met on Ravelry.
I'm using Knitpicks comfy - my new fave cotton/acrylic yarn. My son is a bit sensitve to wool and I inteded this to be a summery pullover so cotton is the best choice for his. Because it's for my son, of course I had to add a little something special so I added a R2D2 motif to the pocket.
I wasn't sure if I was going to do a different bottom band and cuff but ultimately went with the directins, calling for a 1x1 rib. I added the pocket using the k1, yo method - then ripped it out and did kfb. That first row of the pocket is a little loose for my liking but I'll live with it. I guess I'll just try to follow the directions next time - picking up stitches for the pouch afterwards. I also ripped back the pocket to center the motif better.
I'm at the armholes now... I added an extra inch to the length. Now I just have to knit the sleeves and join them to the body. I will add an extra inch to the sleeves as well, and do an inch less ribbing. The directions say to increase all stitches right after ribbing but I will be doing a gradual increase.
I'll have to put the Wallaby on hold while on Vacation next week. My first real Vacation in 15 years... After reading the airline restrictions on knitting needles I realized I would need a portable project that didn't require dpns or long circulars. So, for my vacation knitting- I'll be making a Noro Striped Scarf. I just purchased the yarn for this the other day and I'm having a really hard time not casting on. I'm anxious to see how the colors play out. I really splurged on the yarn for this and now I'm thinking of going back to the shop to get more! The colors I picked are looking a little too similar so I may need a different colorway. Something I wouldn't normally think would go together. Then I'll just keep the other color and make Noro mitts for Christmas gifts.
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Where are you traveling? There are no bans on knitting needles in the US.... I'm flying in a week and had planned on taking my socks ala Magic Loop.....
Hi Laki... I just wanted to say Hi.. Hope all is well with you... Hope your son is doing well.. I understand how scary it can be.. I have a 3 year old so as a dad I can only imagine what you are going through.. Hope his autism is very mild..
It's been a very long time since I said hi.. you are hard to get in touch with ;) Looks like you are doing your passion.. I remember you were Artsy/Crafty.. Well hope to hear from you.. Have an awesome day!
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